Tagtool Convention 2019

OMAi was delighted to host twenty artists from ten different countries at the Tagtool Convention 2019 at Kunstwerkstatt Tulln.

About this project

The Tagtool Convention 2019 was an informal gathering of artists and musicians, and took place August 16-18th in Tulln, Austria. The theme of the event was an exploration of alternative visions of audiovisual live performance using Tagtool.

Twenty artists from ten countries joined the gathering at Kunstwerkstatt Tulln. During the days, there were workshops and discussions. In the evenings, the artists presented their performances. Three intense and inspiring days came to a fitting end with a collective Tagtool session on the walls of an ancient Roman tower.

For us at OMAi, it was an absolute joy and privilege to welcome this extraordinary group of artists, and we loved the opportunity to exchange ideas in person. A big Thank You to all who made it possible!

‍Participating Artists:

Dima Berzon (RU) and Pan Kaplan (CZ)
Guiguisuisui (CN)
Sofia Cordoba (UY), Lorenzo Tabacchi (IT)
Ilan Katin (US)
Sol Carta (AR)
Dieter Puntigam, Bea von Schrader, Marcus Saravia (AT)
Christian Reiner, Philip Leitner (AT)
Maki, iink & Gnu (AT)

Olena AvdieievaSergij
Olga Pinaieva
Katerina Tushder

Booking inquiries

Booking inquiry

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