Workshop for the Plovdiv 2019 Foundation
The Plovdiv 2019 Foundation and the Ars Electronica Center invited OMAi to host a Tagtool workshop and a public open session in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

The Plovdiv 2019 Foundation and Ars Electronica invited OMAi to host a Tagtool workshop in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The event was part of their collaboration in preparation for Plovdiv’s time as the European Capital of Culture 2019. The result was a program called FORUM 2019: Create your World, and included five different workshops at the intersection of art and technology.
The program was kicked off with a Tagtool workshop by Josef Dorninger of the OMAi crew. The location was an old tobacco factory, beautifully renovated to be used as a cultural project space. The participants turned out to be a talented group, most of them practicing artists. In the evening the group went outside to an area called Kapana, a creative district of Plovdiv. Many passerbys ended up joining the spontaneous and joyful session.