Allez Hop "Abwarten und Blumen zählen"
Images from the children's theater show "Allez Hop - Abwarten und Blumen zählen" at Konzerthaus Vienna.

Allez Hop is a music theater series for kids aged 3-5 years, produced by Konzerthaus Vienna. OMAi creates the interactive scenery and digital puppetry.
These pictures show moments from five shows on October 21-22 2023 at Konzerthaus Vienna.
Duo Rabonde:
Felicia Bulenda - Clarinet
Maike Clemens - Cello
Sarah Jeanne Babits - Acting, Concept, Text
Simon Schober - Acting
OMAi - Projection Painting
Laura Malmberg - Set Design, Costumes
Paul Sturminger - Set Design, Costumes
Matthias Werner - Allez-Hop Music
Philipp Lossau - Direction